Sports Massage Singapore

Sports massage therapy is the best program for athletes of every kind, or even for you after your continuous, and physically demanding training to reduce stress on your body and to repair any damaged or misplaced tissue within.

Our techniques used in sports massage are designed specifically to the match the person’s needs, and is given based on someone’s preferred sport. This therapy focuses on reducing stress from areas of the body that are stressed from an often aggressive movements to the muscles or from the repetitive exercise that may strain the muscles.

Over time, this therapy is becoming more and more popular because they are a very useful component in a healthy and well balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy is also beneficial to enhance preparation before your training, as well as reducing recovery time for maximum performance after an event.

A recent study even found out that a 30-second massage is guaranteed to be able to improve one’s hip-flexor range of motion. This therapy has worked well with so many people in the past because the therapy is specially designed to reduce fatigue, improves the body’s endurance, prepares the body and mind for a better and optimal performance. Furthermore, it also helps in injury prevention.


Deep tissue trigger point massage

Deep tissue massage is a technique that works on the inner layers of our muscles that is not easily located. These deep and hard to locate fibres are usually the main cause of pain and stiffness.

A firmer and stronger pressure is applied, to further release the muscle knots and scar tissues that build up over the years from injuries. Experience is needed to feel and locate the correct spot.

These method is usually quite painful, depending on our clients’ pain tolerance. We build up the intensity gradually, mixing it with some soft kneading methods to make the treatment more enjoyable.

Our therapist Clement Tan, is a certified TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) specialist that also does cupping, basic needling treatment and kinesio taping.

Trust us with our manual muscle therapy. It’s all included in the program!

Here in PT works, conducting sports massage therapies once or twice a week is recommended to be part of your normal regimen. It’s best to talk with our professional massage therapists to find a plan that will work best with your schedule, level of activity and budget.