One-stop Personal Training services in Singapore.

Pt works (Physical Training Works) is run by a team of Personal Trainers in Singapore. They are fully certified, having more than 10 years of coaching experience since 2004. Constant upgrading of fitness knowledge with certifications and courses gives them the ability to specialise on strength and conditioning, post injury rehabilitation and proper nutrition

We have the top personal trainers in Singapore! Check out our trainers now!

Personal trainers in Singapore gym for 2 person workout.

Engage a Personal Trainer in Singapore / group classes

Provide home based personal coaching at your door step. It can be done at your home, condo gym or outdoor parks. We cover island wide, just name a place and we will be there. Boot camp classes and Cross Fit style workouts is also available. Our out-door based training ground is at Botanical Gardens and Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC).

Full-time affordable fitness instructors

We don’t believe in hard selling or any training gimmicks. Our personal training prices are reasonable with no hidden costs. Different training packages are available to suit your budget. We give our best service to help clients achieve their fitness goals.

Training program tailored to your needs

Every person’s body is build differently. Genetic plays a big part in fitness improvement and the ability to change our body shape. The workouts are formulated according to your fitness level, body type, lifestyle and medical conditions. In each session, we make sure that you burn the highest amount of calories. We optimise every exercise properly to achieve high energy expenditure. End of the day, we will ensure you achieve your fitness goals and targets too. 100% result oriented.

Flexible training time and location

Our highly sought after trainers are flexible in arranging your sessions timing and location. We try our best to fit in the best timing to suit your busy schedule by booking the sessions in advance. So you will never miss a workout!

Fitness training using TRX

Why you should invest in a personal trainer!

So what are the qualities you should look out for when finding a fitness mentor? There are many reasons to start exercising.

Recent years, there is a boom in the fitness industry. There is a significant growth of fitness professionals in Singapore, be it private trainers or group exercise instructors.

Reason is because Singapore, as a vibrant city, is the leading financial hub in Asia. The growing community of expatriates leads to a high demand of health and fitness professionals.

Furthermore, humans are getting more health conscious, improving in their work life balance. The internet and social media are also making a huge impact on the fitness industry. People are more aware of health issues, turning towards a much healthier lifestyle.


What makes a good fitness motivator?

Personal trainer as a fitness motivator.


Weights training ideologies and methods have evolved to the next level and more exercise variations and training styles are designed by fitness enthusiasts.

Through the years in this industry, our clients are less results oriented, but more health oriented. Why? Simple. Without a good health, it will be difficult to achieve fitness goals. You can’t exercise if you are always down with flu and cold. So its very important to keep our immune system strong. A good workout program is always accompanied by a well balanced diet. Our body needs good carbs, protein, minerals and vitamins to stay fit. 

Due to the ever changing fitness trend, we have to keep up with the pace and make sure my programs are up to date and interesting. Because clients will do their research too. Its not just telling them facts anymore. Its more of a holistic approach to it. People nowadays are looking for fresh fitness ideas and putting enjoyment as the main reason. 

Therefore, we write interesting health blogs too. Successful fat loss and lean muscle gains are our favourite topics. Do check them out. 


Healthy mindset to get a lean body!

Healthy mind and body with yoga trainer.


If the workout sessions are not fun and engaging, how can it be sustainable? Yes, of course getting a nice lean body is important but mental health is as important too. You can’t have a strong body (hardware) without a good mental health (software).

That is the reason why our team of instructors are always upgrading their knowledge just to keep up with the fitness trends. Its a never ending learning curve. Besides constant upgrading of fitness skills and knowledge, we must also set good examples. A healthy and active lifestyle makes a good reason for your clients to follow. If you can’t do what you preach, one will slowly be left behind.

Having said that, we don’t have to look like a body builder or a professional athlete. But at least we need to look good and healthy. Having high body fat percentage is a big no no. At least be lean! And most importantly, having the right mindset in transforming our clients health vision, mentally and physically.

Remember, a healthy mental state is the most beautiful thing in a person. Its not just the physical looks anymore. In Pt works, we always focus on getting our psychological mindset right. Without a correct mindset, one will not stay for long, eventually giving up.


Ways to improve workout motivation

Personal Training diet plan for workout motivation.


So how do we train up our mind to stay positive? We always share motivational tips and techniques with our clients. A good PT has to be able to build a good relationship with the client. Gaining the trust and confidence in them. Its all part of our job.

Here, we treat every client like our best buddy. No client is being left out. Constant engagement and updating of exciting fresh ideas is a must to keep them alive. We need to have the proper knowledge and motivational skills to help you go through the different stages of your fitness journey.

Hope it helps in your queries about having a fitness guru. We are the Gurus!

Join us today, to kickstart a healthy and active lifestyle.


We specialise in muscle building and burning fats at the same time. Our programs include strength and condition, high intensity interval training, cardio work and power lifting.


We make personal training fun and yet challenging by using tons of different fitness equipments. Exercises involving stability and balance control, core work and functional movement.

Exercise rehabilitation

Pain management physiotherapy work to help injury recovery. Specialising in medical conditions such as slipped disc, joint dysfunction, tendonitis and knee pain.

Sports massage and flexibility

Manual therapy includes deep tissue trigger point work and myofascial release. Helps to improve blood circulation and muscle flexibility.

Muay Thai Boxing

Basic to advance muay thai training for fitness and self-defence. Tons of Pad-work and even sparring techniques!

10 sessions package
20 sessions package
36 sessions package

Take a look at our training sessions below

Training Client Josh at his house for fat loss

“Hi, I am Josh. Have been training with Sean Lee since 2011. He is truly a functional training specialist that makes every workout fun and challenging, definitely worth every cents! Having a very busy work schedule, i have to travel very often. He is very flexible and always being able to fit me into his busy schedule. Very easy going, enthusiastic and humble trainer”

Dennis Zhou Chong Qing

“As an actor and radio DJ for station 97.2FM, my schedule are super tight, making fitness impossible. Trainer Clement Tan motivated me and train as early as 6am!  I had to get fit for my role in “World Under Your Feet” very quickly. Clement managed to help me reduce my 10 years old tummy to a flat stomach in just 2 months! It was an amazing experience. Clement is a very knowledgeable and motivated coach. Never regret training with him!”

Personal Trainer Sean with his client Miguel
Mr Miguel

“Intense, challenging and fun! Sean is a versatile yet fun trainer! Our training started way back in 2010. Sean never cancels his training sessions last minute and always make sure i do my daily cardio routine! Besides the gym training, his boxing lessons was fun. Definitely an amazing boxer with good skills and techniques! Very recommended!”

Female personal training program in Singapore gym.
Suzanne and Calvin Shields

“Clement is an extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual,
resourceful and approachable person. He likes
to “work with” his clients in a professional way. After all, working with a personal trainer
is a team effort! Most importantly, his sessions are never boring. He is always up with some funky and creative exercises that is fun and yet challenging.”

Personal training session using TRX
Selina Tay

“Hi I am Selina, have been training with Sean Lee for almost 5 years. The nonstop circuit training makes it fun and yet tough. Efficient and fast results! From HIIT to strength and conditioning, keeps me lean and fit. Sean also helps me in pain management and injury recovery. Thanks for all the exercise rehabilitation he has done for me. Engage Sean Lee as your long term fitness trainer. You won’t be disappointed!”

Doing resistance training with a personal trainer.
Clive Christinson

“My wife and I trained with Clement separately over the past three and
a half years with much personal benefit. We both highly recommend
Clement for his professional, motivational and educational approach to
personal training, fitness and flexibility.”

Personal trainer with client
Nancy Wang

Have been doing personal training with Sean Lee since 2009. Enjoyed his Muay Thai sessions and circuit training. Very friendly and responsible coach! Always making sure that i am on track! Now in 2019, i have lost a total of 8kg body fat and gained some muscle tone! Thanks for all his nutritional dieting plans that works for me.

Client Testimonial photo with personal trainer
Luca Perzan

I have been training with Trainer Sean Lee since 2010 till now. Training twice a week without fail makes me more discipline and focus on preparing my marathons. Sean has helped me greatly in my endurance sports. His fitness conditioning program and deep tissue massage helps me to remove pains and aches from those long runs. A very versatile and intelligent personal trainer that focus on what your goal is. He makes sure you see results and makes good progress!

Client testimonial for fat loss
Sara Campbell

A great motivator that takes you out of your comfort zone, making every workout session worth while. Affordable and fair pricing too as he is not money oriented. For sure, a results oriented and no bullshit kind of trainer. Hips and ankle pain were gone after his treatment and i am able to run long distance again! Lost a couple of kgs and vast improvements in my fitness level!

Personal training for male
Leonard Tan

Sean Lee and his personal training team are one of the best you can find in Singapore. He is a very committed trainer with incredible fitness knowledge and passion. I have been training with him for more than 10 years. A good and responsible trainer. Always on time and never cancels his appointment last minute. Kudos to him and his fitness team!